Monday, January 17, 2005

Why Write a Blog on Writing?

Writing a blog is like writing a novel one day at time, except that the ensuing drama is haphazard and the finished story is most likely unpublishable.

I am writing this blog to document my journey from writer to novelist. More importantly, I am writing this blog to give me a sense of accountability to you, my reader. It is my hope that we can make this journey together. For my friends, who have asked me what it's like to be a writer. For my family, who have asked me what it takes to write a novel. For everyone who's ever wanted to know what a writer struggles with on a daily basis. For fellow writers who will soon realize they are not alone in their ponderings or worries. And simply, for the pure joy of writing.

I've written everything from fantasy fiction to highly technical nonfiction. I've published fanfiction on the internet to good reviews. I have 15 novels outlined and ready to be written, and three that have been started. The novel that this blog is about is a historical romance. I never wanted to work in that genre, it requires way too much research. And yet, I find that the story picks the author, not the other way around. The characters haunt me during the day, and live vividly in my dreams at night. The prologue is written as is part of the first chapter. The names have been chosen. The story is outlined with a few areas still needing work. The research has commenced. And still, I am at the very beginning of this journey.

This blog will be about writing, and writing alone. It will not be about the weather, or the state of my personal affairs, or who's winning what election (although room will be made for major catastrophe's and other life-altering events). It will be about creating characters, following multiple storylines, eeking out bits of information through research. It will also be the musings of a writer striving and struggling to accomplish a dream.

Join me as I embark on this journey through winding roads and twisting turns, through joyous discoveries and dismal disappointments. And in the end, join me as I celebrate the birth of a novel.

I look forward to your comments.



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