Sunday, June 17, 2007

To Dream The Dream

Time passes in a flurry of hurried moments. Or so it seems. I have achieved what I've set out to do. I stand, quietly, on the precipice of publication. It is a glorious edge, looking out over the world, knowing that my name, my work, will be out there for all to see.

At present, I'm in the midst of international contract negotiations. My time has been diverted to that end, pursuing and following up leads in foreign countries and working with illustrators from around the world. It has been an exciting and interesting process that has taken me from Mexico to Italy and back.

I've come almost full circle, from aspiring writer to published author. When I can purchase a copy of my own book at the local bookstore, or from, I will feel that I've finally made it.

As to my historic romance? I'm back on track. I've missed all of the goals I originally set for completing it, having gotten sidetracked by life and other writing projects, but I am not one to give up.

Which leads me to my final point and best advice I can give other aspiring writers. The difference between a published author and an aspiring one can be summed up in one word: PERSISTENCE.

Hold onto your dream with everything you have and see it through to the end. Good luck!


At 2:10 PM, Blogger Dreamer girl said...

So true, persistence is important. I am glad that you sound like your focus is bringing your dream to a reality. My problem with my writing is that I don't have a particular craft. There are times I write poetry, a funny column, a depressing story, or a self-help type of book. I have many beginnings but not too many endings. What has helped you with your writing?


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