The Art of Juggling
The art of storytelling can be compared to juggling many, many balls all at once. How each author keeps track of their numerous plot lines, characters, foreshadowing events, items not-to-be-forgotten, and other important story elements alludes most people, the authors themselves included.I use several mechanisms, some seemingly brilliant, and others crude and barely workable. The two I rely on most, though, include the plot outline and the “Forget Me Not” file. The plot outline is the forward-looking mechanism; the “Forget Me Not” file is the retrospective mechanism. In the plot outline, I document what I plan to put where. This is where I have all of the important story elements in my head and I sprinkle them across my scenes. The “Forget Me Not” file is the tome I check when I’m writing the critical “revealing” scenes. Don’t forget he stole that precious gem back in scene 6 while impersonating the wife, just before he caught the husband in bed with his lover! These are the pieces that tie the whole story together and can not be forgotten or lost track of.
A story is not a stagnant piece of work. As much as you plot beforehand, other ideas and thoughts and twists arise. They may have found their way into your story, but not your plot outline. They definitely need to be remembered, though, and these are always added to my “Forget Me Not” file.
Other authors print their manuscripts as they write and highlight things in different colors: pink for foreshadowing elements, yellow for critical pieces of the story that need to be revisited in later scenes, blue for storylines that need to be followed-up on, green for budding ideas that might go somewhere, but if they don’t, they need to be deleted later on, etc.
There are as many different ways to write as there are authors. In all likelihood, authors themselves change their own methods over time until they find the one that works best for them. In addition, these methods may vary depending on the genre. A mystery or suspense novel has different requirements than a biography or a romance novel. So however you keep your balls in the air, make sure you catch them all before the story comes to a close.
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