Learn How to Write - Buy a Book
There are tons of books on how to write: how to create fiction that sells, how to outline, how to plot, how to write witty dialogue, how to create memorable characters, how to schedule your kids around your potential writing career, etc. But you know what? None of them will write your book for you. I tend to shy away from these books. Not because they aren't any good, but because for me, they are just one more avenue of procrastination. The best way to learn to write a novel is this: WRITE ONE. Granted your first novel may be awful. But so what? Get it on paper and then go back and revise, rewrite, polish. Learn by doing. You could spend your whole life reading books on how to become a writer, without ever putting a word on paper yourself. That is the danger of "learn how to write" books. If you must, read one. And then, get to work!
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